Chefmom's Gingerbread Starter Home Patterns
Here is the pattern to make the house you see above. It is the one I call my "starter home" because it is quite simple, for anyone, even the beginner.
You will need some graph paper, and a ruler to copy the pattern down. Follow the measurements in the images and you will have your very own pattern to cut out and use for your own house.
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The whole pattern will fit on one 8 1/2 by 11-inch sheet of graph paper. The easiest to use is the kind that has 4 squares per inch.

The side pattern has windows that you can cut out, as in my demonstration photos, or you can just score the mark and pipe a decoration in its place.

The roof pattern is simple, just a large rectangle.

The front and back are the same, you can cut out a door, or just score and pipe one in after the panel has baked.
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